We're renting a house from the homeowners while they travel in Asia for three months. We got a really good deal on the rent due to the fact that not many people want to live in a house for three months and then pick up and move again... call us crazy I guess.
We're taking care of a few critters for the owners, a cat named Ese and six laying hens. It's been a lot of fun having a pet in the house again. It reminds us why we had Porter in the first place. Ese is the perfect cat too. Doesn't scratch or bite, isn't snotty like most cats, and keeps us warm while we're watching TV. Having chickens is a blast too actually. They're laying four eggs a day on average and all we have to do is let them out in the morning and close them in at night. The food and water are in dispensers in the coop, so we just fill them once a week. Otherwise we give them our veggie trimmings and they are happy as clams.
Kris is working full time again. She has four days of work right down the road about a mile and once a week she drives to Puyalip which is about ten miles away. She is getting over a cold but otherwise doing very well. I'm working at the REI call center taking orders over the phone. The building is in Sumner, WA which is around 14 miles away. I'm still training but the job is straightforward and the deals on gear are excellent, which is the only reason I'm there.
On that topic I picked up a new pair of powder skis this fall I'm really excited about. They are Bluehouse Maestros and they are 189cm long and 118mm wide. For those of you that don't ski these are much fatter than what we East Coasters usually ski on. They should be perfect for the big dumps we get out here. I plan on posting a full review of them once I get them out a few times for the season. Stay tuned.
That pretty much catches you up on what's going on. Hope you're all doing well! Kris and I will be moving out of here at the end of January and Kris will be starting massage school in early March. This means we'll have the month of February free... and we're planning on coming home!
Talk to you soon,
Will and Kris