Saturday, April 17, 2010

Catching Up!

Ok, so I may have reached an all time sketchy low as I sit here writing this in a Minnesota truck stop parked beside a fuel pump with the laptop plugged into the outlet attached to the pump. Haha, oh the things you do when you're on the road. We have quickly passed through Ohio, Indiana and Illinois since I last wrote. The van survived the oil change and while Will paced I chatted with a nice old lady about seeing the country and where to buy cheap paperbacks! 80+ degrees in the van according to the wireless thermometer. A second attachment lets us know the roof box is a balmy 76, at least we know the skis are comfortable! This portion of the drive required sunscreen in the drivers seat as I worked up the start of quite a little sunburn! Talked to Mom on the border of Ohio, Indiana at which point we both decided that sounded "far away" Out of our comfort zone and into new territory for sure!

End of the day puts us in Indiana, along the Southern tip of Lake Michigan. A beautiful state Park where we got to walk along some white sand beaches, get a little exercise while running up about a million stairs to the highest bluff to catch the sunset. The "comfort stations" as they called their bathrooms, were much appreciated and utilized twice before sending off!

A quick stop at the grocery to load up on food began day #4 on the road, priding ourselves on having cooked all of our own food thus far! Which local beer to try being the toughest choice, we continue westward fully stocked and ready for the day. Will's musings about corn pretty much summed up Illinois...Michigan proved to be much nicer, with a little more diveristy in the landscape to block the wind and make for a better drive. Feeling closer than ever to Brett Favre, I pushed on in the drivers seat with my eye on the prize (and peeled for him)!

Dinner at a state park, boasting a lake that I could throw a stone across. Quick quesidillas on the coleman and then we pushed on to the Mississippi River. Another state park on the western bank was home for the night, pitch black upon our arrival (after what seemed like forever down a dirt road), we were hopeful for some good views of the mighty river in the am!

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