Sunday, April 18, 2010

How we do things

We've been getting many questions about living out of the van so I thought I should post some descriptions of our rig. You asked for it and here you have it.

The Bullet Train (AKA The Magic Bus)

Comprised of a '93 VW Eurovan and a '94 5X8 Wells Cargo trailer the bullet train is the vessel of choice for parties of two. The bullet train has all the modern accessories that one could hope for in a vehicle of this kind. The train is outfitted with a spacious sleeping quarters, a kitchen/pantry and two captains chairs. We also have on board phone, internet and a large list of mp3 music to sample. Beer and wine is available at request, but please make sure to take into consideration that not all states make these luxuries available at local convenience stores. Please plan accordingly.

Although the vehicle will only obtain max speeds of around 60mph please keep you hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times. The Bullett Train is not equiped with lavatories of any kind, but just let your captain know and the train will be pulled into the next available rest area.

There you have it. Our transportation for the foreseeable future. The bed is always made, the coffee is always ready to brew (french press or drip) and the beers, when we can find them, are always cold. We keep our kitchen accessories and most of our food items in the shelves in the back of the van. Under the bed is storage for the bins of clothing that we have. Behind the driver's seat is where we keep our everyday clothing, toiletries and the laptop. Read on for descriptions of the crew members.

Will: Captain, Chief Engineer, Head Dishwasher, All Around Awesome Guy.

Your captain would like you to know that he has nothing but your safety in mind. Please sit back and enjoy your trip, if you need anything please let your captain know. Your captain does enjoy rocking out occassionally and if he seems a little low energy please offer him a 5 hour energy shot. Also keep in mind that your captain's mood fluctuates greatly and it is in your best interest to keep your distance at times. Otherwise have a great trip and enjoy it.

Kris: Co-Captain, Head Chef, Wine Buyer, All Around Gorgeous Woman.

Not only does your co-captain know her way around the cockpit of the Bullet Train, she can also prepare an amazing meal on the go. The menu includes pan seared steak, vegetable quesidillas and spaghetti with meat sauce. Your co-captain can also give you advice on which wine to accompany your meal. While nearly always in a good mood please be aware that if temperatures go beyond 80 degrees please be wary of your co-captain.

The Billiken: Good Luck Charm, Navigator, Most Photographed.

A small carved figure given to Kristen's father by a local Inuit in Alaska. The Billiken has been known to bring luck, take wonderful pictures and smile a lot. I mean look at him, happy all the time. Good type of dude to have around when things are going a little sour. I affectionately call him Bili the Billiken.

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